08.02.24 - Morning Meditation - Friday Exhale
✨ This weekend holds meditations, breath + reiki mini-sessions, and individual times just for you. Find time here.
Hello and good morning!
07.29.24 - Morning Meditation - Invitation
Hello and good morning!
I've been thinking a lot about pain points recently, just these recurring instances that
07.22.24 - Monday Morning Meditation - Openness
I hope to see you for a class or session soon. Find a time here.
Hello, friends. How are you?
07.15.24 - Morning Meditation - Possibility
Hello and good morning, friends.
We're spending some time in the archive today with possibility: possibility for your
07.12.24 - Morning Meditation - Letting Go
I hope you'll find some time on my schedule this weekend. 💗
Good morning, friends.
We have certainly talked
07.08.24 - Monday Morning Quiet
I hope you'll join me for a class or session this week. Find them here.
Hello and good