1 min read

08.29.23 - Breath Break

08.29.23 - Breath Break

Friends! Hello!

What a day it's been, what a week... what a life? I think about this all the time. Sometimes it's hard to stay in the moment when things feel simply wild. It's a wild life no matter how you approach it.

Today, I started to record a new meditation for you and the wild of life kicked in. So instead I am offering a breath break from the archives, one that feels to me very much like I started to feel as interruption after interruption took place: I can't even. It's a phrase that feels overused (or maybe even out of style by now?), but one that I certainly know. Maybe it's a familiar feeling to you too. Even if that's not where you're at today, I hope these few minutes of breath are still just the thing.

Click above or here for today's meditation.

In other news: we are getting closer to a new month and I'm considering our theme. Have any ideas? Things you'd like to talk about? Let me know.

Thanks for being here.


It means so much to me that you're here. I hope you'll consider supporting these meditations by becoming a paid subscriber and/or spreading the word if you're finding benefit. ✨