01.01.25 - New Year's Intentions

Hello hello, friends. ✨
We've arrived to a new turning of the calendar page. I am not sure if I thought that I would see 2025 when I was younger. I'm sure I didn't think much about it as 2025 was an imaginary year in an imaginary time. But here we are. What will we do with this year?
I ask that question not in a grandiose way, not in a way that anyone should feel pressure about it. Of course, I say that, but I have been thinking a lot about the evening verse, which is used in many Zen Buddhist temples:
Let me respectfully remind you: Life and death are of supreme importance, time passes swiftly and opportunity is lost. Let us awaken, awaken - take heed. Do not squander your life.
I think we can all agree that time does pass swiftly and opportunity is lost. So for this year (or this time that we have agreed on as a year), I wish for you to take the opportunities, big or small. And, of course, I wish us all to awaken to who we really are: interconnected beings who can live from a place of deep compassion that exists past our perceived differences. 💗
I also want to encourage you to find time for meditation this year. What would it be like to have a daily meditation practice if you do not yet have one? I think I can attest to the fact that the stories you hear are correct: it changes things for the better.
To help with more meditation in the new year, I am committing myself to consistency for you and making some changes to how I do things to better support that. For those signed up for daily meditations, you'll be seeing those at a more consistent time. The archive is going to get cleaned up, so it makes a bit more sense and is up to date. I am also committing to more availability and accessibility for session times to support you whether that's through reiki, mindfulness, or spiritual care/support.
Finally, I apologize that we are coming into this new year without a new meditation. I have been quite sick for close to a week now and it has really thrown a lot of things off, including my voice, my sense of time, you get it (and you may have seen it as the original post had the wrong year). That said, while it's nice to have something new, I believe this meditation from a couple of years ago is a lovely way to come into the new year. I hope you think so too.
Click here or above for today's meditation.
Thank you for being here today, friends. 💗 I hope we get to spend much more time together this coming year. Take care.
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