1 min read

01.16.24 - Morning Meditation

01.16.24 - Morning Meditation

Hello and good morning.

How is today? How's the start of your week been?

The start of the year has felt like such a wild ride to me and I have found my ability to deal with that ride directly impacted with how much time I'm finding myself in meditation. More meditation = a bit easier to manage things. Showing up to sit and breathe makes a difference. I hope you feel that too, even on days when meditation does not come easy.

Click here or above for today's meditation.

I hope this meditation helps you with a little something you need for your day.

Thank you for being here. 💗 Take care.

It means so much to me that you're here. I hope you'll consider supporting your practice and these meditations by becoming a paid subscriber and/or spreading the word if you're finding benefit. ✨