02.06.24 - Breath Break to Slow Down

Hello, friends.
I fear over this month you might get sick of the phrase "slow down," but I know that the reminder is a good one for me. Maybe for you too? It is just so easy to get wrapped up in all the things and the rush of the day and miss things in the moment, miss that we're even breathing.
We have just a few minutes of breath break today. Please take this whenever it finds you or you find the right time in your day.
Click above or here for today's meditation.
I hope you're able to find a little bit of intentional slowing down in your day today.
Thanks for being here. 💗 Take care.
If slowing down sounds like just the thing for you, I hope you'll consider scheduling a reiki session and/or considering a paid subscription that includes a regular session along with the daily meditations. Maybe we can slow down a little together new ways.
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