02.19.24 - Morning Meditation - Possibility

Hello and good morning!
Mondays always remind about fresh starts, beginning again, possibilities. I have been thinking a lot about this as I'm trying to change some habits. Every day, I set out to do my best to adjust what I've been doing towards what I'd like to be doing. On some days, I get it and then others... whoo. I do not. But that doesn't mean that the next day is the same.
Today, we sit with the idea of possibility. Each breath is a chance to return to the moment. Each moment is spacious enough to begin or begin again, and so on.
Click above or here for today's meditation.
Speaking of possibilities: Columbus folks, don't forget that this coming Sunday, we'll be sitting at Pinned Acupuncture. Please register here to attend.
Thank you for being here. 💗 Take care.
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