1 min read

03.25.24 - Monday Morning Meditation - Openness

03.25.24 - Monday Morning Meditation - Openness
New April class sign-ups are now open. Hope to see you soon!

Hello and good morning, friends.

We talked a little bit about the Sunday "scaries" yesterday. And today, we're spending a little time with the story of Monday and what it might be like to let the a story go and be open to whatever is there instead. Sometimes things are as we expect, but letting go of even just a bit of our expectations might allow for things to unfold a little differently. That can be true of Monday or of any other story you have around a situation, a person, etc.

I think the state of our world often encourages us to be closed off and sink into our stories for a kind of protection. But what if we remained open instead? Could be a radical act.

Click here or above for today's meditation.

Thank you for being here, friends. 💗 Take care.

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