1 min read

03.28.24 - Morning Meditation - The Gentle Breath

03.28.24 - Morning Meditation - The Gentle Breath
Lots of classes starting soon, plus this Saturday's AM online and Sunday's PM at Pinned. Sign up here.

Hello and good morning.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the lungs are viewed as the "canopy." They're considered delicate for a number of reasons, and sometimes I think about this delicateness when we start to talk about the breath. In my own experience, it feels like there is always an bit of softness, a bit of something gentle about the breath. Even when we're not paying attention to it, it's there.

It feels like we could all use something a little gentle (maybe including our lungs, those delicate beauties), so that's our focus today. I hope it's just the thing. 💗

Click above or here for today's meditation.

As mentioned, lots of classes coming up in April. All the sign ups are live. All classes are by donation. Here's the list:

  • The usuals! Saturday AM online, Sunday PM at Pinned
  • New! Tuesday and Thursday AM meditations online (think of these like this email delivered to your inbox, but live)
  • New! Compassion Series - we're exploring lovingkindness!
  • New! Beginner Series online
  • Returning! Walking Meditations - both at Antrim and Highbanks

I think that's it? I am most excited to get out and be in the parks with you again. I also really can't think of a more important class than the Compassion Series. Our world is really going through it, each of us are too in our own ways, and I think this practice is so important.

Thanks for being here today. 💗 I hope to see you soon. Take care.

It means so much to me that you're here. I hope you'll consider supporting your practice and these meditations by becoming a paid subscriber (which includes benefits like daily meditations) and/or sharing this with a friend. ✨