1 min read

03.29.23 - Morning Meditation - The Space Between

03.29.23 - Morning Meditation - The Space Between

Good morning!

Today's meditation is a couple minutes longer than usual because I talk a little about reactions and the space around them.

I often (always?) feel myself get caught up in reaction and response, forgetting to think about something before I act or speak. Every day in meditation (and outside of it), we have the option to see the spaces: spaces between thoughts, breaths, actions. Sometimes it's so small! We can miss it, but it's there.

I tend to feel a lot of relief when I can notice that space. There's a tension that relaxes around what feels like an expectation to react right now. But what if we found that second of space and moved from there?

If you can't see the embedded link, today's meditation is here.

Take care, friends.
