03.31.23 - Morning Meditation - Take It Easy

Good morning!
It has been a bit of a week over here. How about for you? I hit a point yesterday where I knew I needed to just slow things down and find some places that felt easy.
So today, we sit and we take it easy. What does that mean? Letting distractions go without beating ourselves up about getting distracted. Maybe it's finding a posture that feels easy for however things feel today instead of just keeping whatever the usual is. Perhaps it's just being here today. How can we find the places of ease?
If the embedded link does not show up for you, you can find today's meditation here.
In other news, tomorrow's the first of the month and a Saturday. We'll have our Saturday morning meditation (Zoom link to come) and start talking about our intention this month: begin again. Maybe you have been away from meditation, away from regular practice, or maybe there's else that this resonates with aside from meditation. This month's intention is for you.
Until tomorrow... 💗
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