1 min read

04.13.24 - Saturday Meditation - Spaciousness

04.13.24 - Saturday Meditation - Spaciousness

Hello, friends.

If you're a paid subscriber, you received a meditation yesterday about making space. Today, we're still on a bit of that theme: finding ways and places to be more open with the moment that we're in. We spend some time noticing all the things in our awareness so we can find some spaciousness in not pushing or pulling away. To me, I feel most spacious in spending time with being open to just the breath and so we do that too.

I hope this meditation is just right for your day. 💗

Click here or above for today's meditation.

If you're not a paid subscriber and would like to receive daily meditations, please consider subscribing. Just like all my offerings, finance should not be a barrier, just reach out for options. 💗

More meditation classes are coming up this week and the rest of the month. All registrations are here. I hope to see you soon.

Thank you so much for being here. 💗 Take care.