1 min read

05.01.23 - May Intention - Take Rest

05.01.23 - May Intention - Take Rest

Hello again and good evening.

I'm so happy to be talking about rest this month. Tonight's meditation kicks us off with ten or so minutes where you can (hopefully) find a little relaxation and sense into the gentle waves of the breath.

I know that it's not always easy to think about rest or to give yourself permission to take it. As chronically busy person myself, I know what it is to find comfort in being busy and going going going. But I find myself reminded again and again (mostly through my body making me slow down) that that is not the way. We can find the balance of rest and other forms of being... as in being productive, being a friend, being a caretaker, being a weird human out in this weird world.

I hope this month's intention helps us all start to get (more) comfortable with being able to rest, finding gentleness, finding soft spaces to land.

Click above or here for today's meditation.

As always, thank you for being here.


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