07.08.24 - Monday Morning Quiet

Hello and good morning, friends.
We've found ourselves all the way around again to a new week. It feels kind of quiet and sleepy still over here and so thought I'd offer you a meditation with a bit of quiet today.
Maybe you had a long weekend full of busy things and people and this can be a bit of a reset. Maybe you had a chill weekend, but a little quiet is always welcome (or you're at least willing to explore it). Whatever today feels like, I hope this little space to be still is just the thing.
Click here or above for today's meditation.
Thank you for being here. 💗 Take care.
P.S. If you're enjoying these meditations, I hope you might consider a paid subscription. I'm currently offering discounts on the three tiers to help support your practice this summer. If you'd like to join me daily, please click here. Interested in having a monthly individual session too? This is your link. If you want extra support/to really dive in, here's your weekly session option. The discount is good for the next two months. 💗
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