07.12.24 - Morning Meditation - Letting Go

Good morning, friends.
We have certainly talked about the topic of letting go before, but as I was sitting in meditation myself this morning, it was a little lightbulb of a moment. Speaking from the I: I feel like I hold onto so much in terms of expectations or judgments or or or... You know name it, I can probably find a way to grip onto it.
If this is something that resonates: what if we did ease that grip a little? Ease our expectations or our judgments? This applies to even the most usual of moments, the ones that you don't even notice.
In meditation itself, we grip onto what we think it will feel like or we get discouraged about how much distraction we experience. But what is it to let go of those expectations too? Maybe we end up somewhere different than we usually do.
Click here or above for today's meditation.
Thank you for spending time today. 💗 Take care, friends.
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