1 min read

08.01.24 - August Intention - Equanimity

08.01.24 - August Intention - Equanimity

Hello, friends.

We've made it to August. πŸ‡πŸ‡ I wonder what it will hold?

One thing I do know that's here for the month is a theme, perhaps even intention: to explore equanimity. What's that, you say? Well, it's a word near and dear to my heart. I think in the simplest terms, equanimity is having a sense of being okay regardless of what's happening. I also do actually like what Google says about it: mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation. Equanimous moments are kind of everywhere. It's when we take a breath before reacting. Maybe it's in the space between our thoughts. Maybe it's here right now.

So today, we're just bringing that thought and intention into the meditation. Tomorrow and the rest of the month, we'll keep exploring it and things adjacent to it, all of which may be familiar, but maybe they'll hit a little differently.

Click here or above for today's meditation.

Other things new for the month:

✨ New classes are here! I'd love for you to join me for Sunrise Meditations or maybe a Sunday meditation at Pinned.

✨ Breath + Reiki mini-sessions are still available during the Clintonville Farmer's Market. Of course, regular reiki and meditation sessions are also available.

✨ You still have a little bit of time to take advantage of the discount on paid subscriptions to these meditations. If you'd like daily meditations, please click here. Prefer to add on a monthly individual session too? This is your link. If you want extra support/to really dive in, here's your weekly session option. The discount is good for the next two months. πŸ’—

I can't wait to spend time with you this month. πŸ’— Take care.