1 min read

08.16.23 - Not Knowing

08.16.23 - Not Knowing

Hello! How are you?

Today, we chat a little bit about Not Knowing. This theme came up for me because I was thinking about how we hold so tightly to our ideas: of being right, of what things should look like in the world. It doesn't always allow a lot of room for other things. We can block off people because we've decided we Know them. We could miss out on something because instead of being open to what happens in front of us, we are convinced we Know.

What is it like to let go a little of the Knowing and be with what is here instead?

Click above or here for today's meditation.

I hope this small exploration into not knowing opens things up a little bit that might have been closed off behind Knowing.

Thank you for being here. Take care.


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