08.16.24 - Morning Meditation - Possibilities

Hello and good morning!
If you're one of the daily meditation subscribers, I know we've had a couple of days apart and that's mostly due to the fact that it's a really transitional week. I'm officially leaving my "day job" (which is a whole story in itself) and today is my last day. It feels really wild, mostly in a good way. I'm excited to shift my focus from what I was working on to the work that I love doing most, which is being here with you in so many different ways.
In the spirit of this day of doors closing and opening, I thought maybe we could sit with possibility. And not just possibility as in a wide open space, but a wide open space where your feet are on the ground: still maybe a little unsettling, but there's something here as foundation.
Maybe you also have endings or beginnings in your life coming up or maybe the idea of some open space and possibility feels good too. You can also drop all of that and be with the breath. Let's see what's here.
Click here or above for today's meditation.
✨ We're halfway through August and big things are coming in September. It's also the last opportunity for awhile to take advantage of discounts on meditation subscriptions. If you'd like daily meditations, please click here. Prefer to add on a monthly individual session too? This is your link. If you want extra support or to really dive in, here's your weekly session option.
Thanks for being here. 💗 Take care.
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