08.19.24 - Monday Morning Meditation - Make Space

Hello and good morning, friends.
In my own meditation this morning, I was brought back to this idea of making space. I don't think we've talked about this very much recently. This morning I found myself thinking about allowing space in my body and mind, making space where there's tension, and feeling into what I'm holding too tightly.
It's a little like we've talked about with possibility: there's a lot of possibility for things to go well, for the stress to ease, for whatever you may need in this moment to arrive. There's also something to the equanimity in finding yourself needing to make that space: being okay when things don't feel that way. We can find balance in all sorts of ways.
Today, we're here with the breath.
Click here or above for today's meditation.
Thank you for being here, friends. 💗 Take care.
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