08.23.24 - Evening Meditation - Spaciousness

Hello and good evening, friends.
Our theme for August was supposed to be equanimity, but I think spaciousness has really pulled the top spot of themes. I couldn't help myself this evening, though. I just had such a sense of it that I wanted to share.
So tonight, we find a little space to rest, a little gentleness. Whether you're about to go to bed or you're just relaxing for the evening, I hope this is just right.
Click here or above for tonight's meditation.
While you're here... more news.
✨ I'm excited to announce a little something I call the 30 Day Sit coming your way in September. Starting on September 1, we'll be going a bit back to basics. We'll have a few more shorter meditations to start, helping you to build (rebuild, re-rebuild?) the habit of meditation. We'll explore a few things we don't often with some breathwork.
How do you join the 30 Day Sit? Well, just by being here. If you want the full 30 days of meditations, I'd love to encourage you toward a paid subscription. If you're really saying to yourself "I know meditation is helpful to me and I want to dig deeper," maybe you want to join a tier with a monthly or weekly personal session.
No matter how you land in the 30 Day Sit, I'm happy you're here.
I hope it's a good night. 💗 Take care.
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