1 min read

09.01.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 1

09.01.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 1
If you'd like the daily experience of the 30 Day Sit and have not yet become a paid subscriber, you an do so here. If this feels outside of your means for any reason, please reach out. No one is turned away.

Hello and welcome to the first day of The 30 Day Sit!

I'm really happy that you're here. I think it's going to be a great month together. (And if you're just stumbling upon this post, you can find out more here.)

We're starting out the month with just a few minutes of sitting a day. One of the things that I hear the most from people is that they try to sit for too long and become really hard on themselves when it doesn't turn out how they'd hoped. It's okay! You are training your mind, your attention, and your body with this practice. It's important to be easy on yourself about it.

Even if you have a practice that does allow for a longer period of sitting, I think it could be quite beneficial to stay with these shorter meditations to start the month, see how it feels, and stay with us as we expand the time slowly. What's it like to go back to the beginning? What's it like to rein in some ideas on what is or is not expected of your practice?

Here's a few minutes with the breath today.

Click here or above for today's meditation.

Thank you for being here today. 💗 Take care.