09.02.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 2

Hello hello!
How are you? How was day one?
For today, we're still getting ourselves adjusted to being with the breath and slowing down a little in a way that might be new. Even if meditation isn't new to you, taking time to be still is not always easy. So this is our practice today: being in quiet, being with the breath, and staying gentle with ourselves when our minds take us on a little wander off. Just keep coming back to the breath. It's no problem.
Click above or here for today's meditation.
Looking ahead, tomorrow we're going to talk more about posture. We'll also be returning to our usual schedule with a Monday + Friday posts for everyone and the rest for paid subscribers, so I hope you'll join me for all the meditations in between. 💗
Thanks for being here today. 💗 Take care!
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