1 min read

09.16.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 16

09.16.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 16
Whether you're looking for more support with meditation, a little reiki, or you're going through something that could use a little care, I hope to see you either virtually or in person soon. 💗 You can always find a time here.

Hello and good morning, friends.

My wish for this meditation today is that it encourages you to be open, present, and spacious. We can get lost in our expectations, the "shoulds." We've planned our day, our week. We know what it's "supposed" to be. Even in meditation, we do this. But what if we let go of all that and allowed what's here to be here? What if we were open to possibility and going with the flow of the moment?

Today, we do a little exploration in the flow of breath and the returning to the present.

Click above or here for today's meditation.

Thank you for being here today. 💗 Take care.

If you'd like the daily experience of the 30 Day Sit and have not yet become a paid subscriber, you an do so here. If this feels outside of your means for any reason, please reach out. No one is turned away.