1 min read

09.20.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 20

09.20.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 20
Maybe I'll see you this weekend? Meditation, reiki, and spiritual care times available. Schedule here. Donation/sliding scale options always available. 💗

Hello and good morning!

Whether you've been following along for the full month or have just been here a little bit, I hope this meditation finds you with a few minutes and the willingness to explore being here now. You can always begin again. Today's the perfect day, in fact.

Today, we are (of course) talking about the breath and also the idea of now. What does being here now hold?

Click here or above for today's meditation.

Thank you for being here! 💗 Take care.

If you'd like the daily experience of the 30 Day Sit and have not yet become a paid subscriber, you an do so here. If this feels outside of your means for any reason, please reach out. No one is turned away.