1 min read

10.04.23 - Reactions + Slowing Down

10.04.23 - Reactions + Slowing Down

Hello hello.

We're talking today about one of the benefits of meditation: slowing down the reaction process. If you've ever wanted to take a moment to choose your response instead of having an automatic (and maybe negative) reaction, here is a place to explore that.

To be clear, there are times when you need to react quickly, especially when safety is involved. The kind of reactions we're talking about today aren't those. What I really hope you come away with is that there are times when we don't have to react with our first instinct. We can take a breath, take one moment (or many, if needed), and then respond.

Maybe that one moment to slow ourselves down makes the difference in not only how we feel, but also how we interact with others in a more compassionate way.

Click above or here for today's meditation.

If you are interested in exploring more about how to slow down, maybe consider a one on one session or opting for a subscription here that involves a weekly or monthly session. I'd love to spend more time with you.

Take care. 💗

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