11.01.23 - November Intention + Evening Breath Break

Hello friends.
How has your day been?
I've been thinking about what November might hold for us in terms of focus and intention. Connection is something that keeps coming to mind: connection to each other, to ourselves, to the world. We're getting into the holidays and I know that sometimes that can feel stressful. What would it be like to focus on our connection instead of our expectation? Maybe we can play around a bit together with this idea...
For this evening, I am offering a little breath break from the archive. Once you've taken a few minutes to breathe, make sure to keep reading. ✨
Click here or above for today's breath break.
Starting tomorrow, we'll return to more brand new meditations and our regular daily schedule for paid subscribers. If you aren't already a paid subscriber, I hope you'll consider supporting. (If a paid subscription is something you're interested in, but feels outside of your means right now, just reach out.)
For folks who want a little something extra for the end of the year, I'm offering a discount on The Monthly. This tier offers a virtual or in person session for reiki and/or meditation each month. The discount is good through the rest of the year, just click here. 💗 I'd love to see you for a session soon and to help you get through the end of the year with a little extra chill.
Thanks for being here. 💗 Take care.
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