12.13.23 - Morning Meditation - Holding Things Softly

Hello and good morning. How is your day?
One of the practices that I set for myself during last week's retreat was walking slowly. And when I say this, I mean, walking so slowly that everyone passed by. I spend a lot of time outside of retreat going too quickly and you'll perhaps remember all the talk this year about slowing down. So I made it my practice to let go of whatever it is in me that wants to arrive first or be the fastest, etc and just let myself feel the earth beneath my feet and take in what was around me.
Today, we talk a bit about holding things softly. That can include our expectations of this meditation or of what the day will hold, what the walk will be like. Instead of allowing tension or gripping onto something to be the focus, what if we just softened our hold?
Click above or here for today's meditation.
As we come to the end of the year, I hope you'll remember that I'm offering a discount on The Monthly or The Weekly newsletter tiers. These offer a virtual or in person session for reiki/meditation. I hope to see you for a session soon.
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Take care. 💗 Thank you for being here.
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