2 min read

Hard Times, Intentional Moments, and an Evening Meditation

Hard Times, Intentional Moments, and an Evening Meditation

Hello, friends.

I was chatting with a group the other day, just having a little check in. Someone talked about how their June had felt like an easy month. I was like, "wow, I wish for some of that!" It felt to me like one thing after another in the last few weeks, stress, bad news, health issues, you name it.

Just yesterday, I was reminded of Tig Notaro's special Live. If you've heard it, you may remember that at one point she asks why she's still going to the grocery:

"What am I doing? Why am I even buying food? Why am I trying to sustain this? Nourish my body, just to stick around to get more bad news? Gotta keep myself alive so my ears work and I can hear horrible things."

(Live is not a comedy special in much the same way that Hannah Gadsby's Nanette is not a comedy special, yes still are in their way. High on my recommendations list if you have not seen or heard them.)

Why do I share all of this? Certainly not to make anyone question feeding themselves, but to say: it all shifts, it all passes, it all changes. That trope of a line about surviving all your bad days, is not a lie. Not all the days are bad.

I've been taking a lot of photos on my walks with the dog, things that brighten the day or catch my eye. I have been enjoying the cool breeze through my office window in the mornings. Sometimes finding the little things is what there is in tough moments.

I've also found that bringing intention to the day to day things I'm doing has been bringing me out of my head and into the present. I'm not just allowing my mind to drift into a spiral of things, but I'm bringing it in close: the feeling of holding the coffee mug, the floor beneath my feet, and so on.

Something else that helps? Rest. We are revisiting an evening meditation about just that. Because we all deserve a little more of it whether it's been good days or bad days, easy months or hard ones.

Click above or here for today's meditation.

Let's talk in the morning?

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