01.01.25 - New Year's Intentions
Hello hello, friends. ✨
We've arrived to a new turning of the calendar page. I am not sure if
08.01.24 - August Intention - Equanimity
Hello, friends.
We've made it to August. 🐇🐇 I wonder what it will hold?
One thing I do know
A New Year.
Hello and good morning on this first of the year.
There are some technical difficulties happening with our new meditation
12.01.23 - December Intention
Hello, friends.
I have been thinking about what to share with you in this last month of the year. I
11.01.23 - November Intention + Evening Breath Break
Hello friends.
How has your day been?
I've been thinking about what November might hold for us in
09.18.23 - Revisiting Intentions
Good morning!
Every day, I am hopeful my voice will be better for recording new meditations and every day we&
09.01.23 - September Intention + Meditation
Hello, friends.
It's a new month and as we often do, we're talking a bit about
05.01.23 - May Intention - Take Rest
Hello again and good evening.
I'm so happy to be talking about rest this month. Tonight's