01.06.25 - Monday Morning Meditation - Make Space
Good morning, friends!
If you are here in Ohio, you may be waking up to quite a bit of snow.
09.16.24 - The 30 Day Sit - Day 16
Whether you're looking for more support with meditation, a little reiki, or you're going through something
08.23.24 - Evening Meditation - Spaciousness
✨ New hours are here for meditation, reiki, and spiritual care sessions. Find a time. (More news below the meditation.)
08.19.24 - Monday Morning Meditation - Make Space
New session times available starting this week! I hope to see you soon. 💗
Hello and good morning, friends.
In my
04.13.24 - Saturday Meditation - Spaciousness
Hello, friends.
If you're a paid subscriber, you received a meditation yesterday about making space. Today, we'