02.06.24 - Breath Break to Slow Down
Hello, friends.
I fear over this month you might get sick of the phrase "slow down," but I
02.01.24 - Meditation - Reactions + Slowing Down
Hello hello. Welcome to a new month.
I had a moment yesterday where I realized, "Ohh... I need to
01.14.24 - Meditation - Reactions + Slowing Down
Hello, friends.
It's Sunday and while for many of us that might be a loaded day before the
12.01.23 - December Intention
Hello, friends.
I have been thinking about what to share with you in this last month of the year. I
10.04.23 - Reactions + Slowing Down
Hello hello.
We're talking today about one of the benefits of meditation: slowing down the reaction process. If