The 30 Day Sit

The 30 Day Sit
When you practice, the world comes to meet you. - Michael Stone

On September 1st, we're beginning our latest season of The 30 Day Sit. I started this little program some time ago (almost ten years?!) and have come back to teach within it again and again.

The 30 Day Sit is for everyone. It's for beginners and for experienced folks who want to breathe a little something into their practice. It's for people who struggle to sit in meditation and for those who might not even understand the point of it all.

On day 1, we start slow. I often hear from folks that they try to do too much too soon, so we start with short meditations and build from there.

We're going to do a lot of exploration in the next 30 days. You may feel that internally, but we also will take a peek at some breathwork. We'll also do some sessions on different types of meditation like lovingkindness/metta.

How to begin? All you have to do is sign up. You've got some options here. Want just a couple of meditations a week? The free version is here for you. If you want to fully dive into the 30 days, you'll want a paid version. Paid versions include access to the entire archive of meditations. If you'd like to have some one on one sessions that include meditation and/or reiki, those are available too.

Remember that you can make changes to your subscriptions at any time. If you'd like to join just for the month of September and take advantage of some individual sessions, you're welcome to do. Please note also that no one is turned away for lack of funds, so if you'd like to join the full 30 days and it feels in any way outside of your means, please just reach out.

I hope that you'll join me in September. 💗