1 min read

10.29.24 - Morning Meditation - Quiet

10.29.24 - Morning Meditation - Quiet

Good morning, friends.

After spending a week in noble silence and several hours of meditation a day, it can be quiet jarring to return to things as usual. It's only day two since I've been back and I am grateful to be finding the little moments of quiet and slowing down in my regular day to day like making the coffee, the space in shifting from one task to the next, etc.

I hadn't quite realized before I left, but I was in a place that wasn't welcoming a lot of quiet. I always had a podcast on or listening to music. I'm grateful to have spent so much time becoming reacquainted with the quiet things. So today, we're also spending time just right here in the quiet too.

Click here or above for today's meditation.

✨ There are new meditation classes coming in the new month. You can check them out and register here.

Thank you for being here. 💗 Take care.

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