11.06.24 - Interconnection

Hello, friends.
I've been thinking about what to share with you all day. I woke up around 3:30 this morning unable to get back to sleep with anxiety. My heart wouldn't slow and my body felt restless. Mindful breathing wasn't cutting it.
In some ways, nothing has felt like it helps today, but there are perhaps glimpses of what we need: texts from friends, posts about community, laughing together when able. To me, pointing fingers doesn't feel productive and neither does listening to endless commentary, though I've gotten sucked into it a bit. What I know is this: we didn't get here alone and we're not getting out of it alone either.
Most of my work in myself over the last year or so has been around interconnection: recognizing the places that we meet, that we inter-are. I think about Indra's Net, the great web of gems connected and reflecting off of each other without a single person or being left out. That's right: not a single one. What does it mean to not leave anyone or anything out? What is it to know and live in a way that recognizes that my own liberation is tied up with someone who I think has done unconscionable things? It can be easy to feel the connection to people we care about and agree with, but those aren't the only beings here.
I'm still working on it all. But what I do know is that we need each other. We heal in community. We make change happen together. We belong to each other in the good times and the bad and all the ones in between. So I hope you'll continue to be in community with me. (Below the meditations are some offerings in that respect.) Regardless of the election outcome, there was always a lot to do and I think we must do it together.
I'm sharing two meditations with you today. Be with them both or maybe just the one that calls to you.
Click here or above for a little quiet.
Click here or above for your tender heart.
Being able to offer support is an honor to me, especially in the times we're in.
✨ I've opened up additional times over the next week or so for support conversations, as well as reiki and/or mindfulness sessions. You can schedule here. Options include in person and online. No one is turned away, so just reach out if you would like a free or donation option that's not listed.
✨ If you don't know where to start with getting support, an initial conversation might be a good first step. We can talk about what might help you body, mind, and heart from there.
✨ November begins meditations starting back up at Pinned on Saturday mornings and Sunday evenings. This weekend's themes will be around holding space for all that's here. Class is by donation and you can register here.
Thank you for being here, friends. I'm so grateful.
💗 Take care.
It means so much to me that you're here. I hope you'll consider supporting your practice and these meditations by becoming a paid subscriber (which includes benefits like daily meditations) and/or sharing this with a friend. ✨
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