1 min read

11.15.24 - Body Scan Meditation

11.15.24 - Body Scan Meditation
If you haven't heard, Sunday meditations at Pinned are back. This week's focus is lovingkindness. You can register for class here. I hope to see you. 💗

Hello and good evening, friends.

As we all have, I've been sitting with a lot these past few days and it occurred to me somewhere along the way that many of us (myself included) are just living up in our minds. So tonight, we drop into the body. You may be familiar with this meditation as it is a bit of a classic around here. Whether you're new to it or it's an old friend, I hope that it is helpful to you whether you've been up in your head a lot, just looking for some time to relax, or something else entirely... I hope it's just right for your evening.

Click here or above for today's meditation.

Thank you for spending time tonight. 💗 Take care.

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